Friday, April 3, 2009

Monkfish ragoût

Monkfish ragoût

This type of sauce is traditionally used with red meat or poultry but it makes an interesting accompaniment to the meaty, firm flesh of the monkfish. Adapted from an original recipe from Nestlé France.

Preparation time

10 minutes

Cooking time

15 minutes

Serving number 4


1 Onion (peeled and chopped)
600 g Monkfish, raw (Fillet, cut into large cubes)
150 ml Red wine (Bordeaux type)
1 tbsp Flat leaf parsley, fresh (chopped)
100 g Smoked Bacon cubes (e.g. HERTA)
150 ml MAGGI Beef stock (prepared) (made as specified on packet)

Preparation steps

Fry the chopped onion and the bacon cubes or 'lardons' in a frying pan (without the addition of any fat) for 2-3 minutes over a medium heat.

Increase the heat and add the pieces of monkfish. Cook for approx 5 minutes turning the fish pieces to brown on all sides. Remove the fish from the pan and keep warm.

Add the red wine to the pan and boil vigourously to reduce the liquid by half.

Add the Maggi beef stock and continue to cook for a further 5 minutes or until the sauce has thickened slightly.

Return to the fish to the pan and cook for a few minutes. Serve garnished with chopped flat leaf parsley. Note: If you prefer a slightly thicker sauce thicken with pieces of beurre manié (to make beurre manié blend together 1 tbsp flour with 1 tbsp softened butter. Add pieces to the hot sauce whisking well after each addition.)

Nutritional values per serving

Carbohydrate, total (g) 2.40
Energy (Kcal) 211.00
Protein (g) 26.00
Fats, total (g) 8.10
Energy (Kj) 883.00

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