Friday, April 17, 2009

Fennel-Roasted Alaskan Cod with Grape Tomatoes & Pine Nuts

Fennel-Roasted Alaskan Cod with Grape Tomatoes & Pine Nuts
By Kelley Herring

This light fish dish packs a powerful punch against inflammation thanks to a phytonutrient called anethole. Researchers have found this compound shuts down tumor necrosis factor (TNF) -- a factor that triggers destructive inflammation in the body that leads to degenerative disease.1

Time To Table: 30 minutes
Serves: 4

Excellent Source of: Magnesium, Potassium, Protein, Selenium, Vitamin C, Omega-3
Good Source of: Fiber, Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin D
Preferences: Low Carb, Gluten Free

2 Tbsp organic lemon juice
24 ounces wild Alaskan cod
2 Tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp organic pine nuts
1/2 bulb organic fennel
1/2 cup organic chicken broth
1/2 tsp Celtic sea salt
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
16 organic grape tomatoes

Using a mandoline, thinly slice the half bulb of fennel. Preheat the oven to 350° F. Season cod with salt and pepper. Arrange half of the fennel slices in the bottom of a baking dish. Place cod on top of fennel. Add tomatoes, top with remaining fennel slices, and sprinkle with pine nuts. Pour in broth. Cover and bake for 10-12 minutes, until the fish flakes easily. Remove from oven. Transfer the fish fillets to plates. Top the fish with a drizzle of olive oil and lemon.

Nutrition Information
284 Calories, 13 g Total fat, 2 g Saturated fat, 0 g Trans fat, 7 g Monounsaturated fat, 3 g Polyunsaturated fat, 72 mg Cholesterol, 434 mg Sodium, 9 g Carbohydrate, 3 g Fiber, 2 g Sugars, 33 g Protein

Chainy GB, et al. Oncogene. 2000 Jun 8;19(25):2943-50 2000. PMID:12930.

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